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Astrologie, voorspellend, transits, progressies, directies, solaar, mundaan

Ambelain, Robert: L'Astrologie des Interrogations

paperback, 8vo, 252 pps. French, Robert Laffont, Paris, 1984, good (nr.: 35369)  Euro   35,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 2221042522, ISBN13: 9782221042526
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Bates, Graham / Jane Chrzanowska Bowles: Money and the Markets. An Astrological Guide

paperback, 23,5 x 15 cm., 200 pps., ind., ills. English, Aquarian/Harper Collins, London, 1994, fair (nr.: 38681)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 1855383705, ISBN13: 9781855383708
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Bell, Lynn: Cycles of Light. Exploring the Mysteries of Solar Returns

Mild folding line in first few pages
paperback, 23,5 x 15,5 cm., 218 pps., ills. English, Centre for Psychological Astrology, London, 2005, good/very good (nr.: 41946)  Euro   18,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 1900869330
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Bergman, Ineke: Werkboek Solaren 'Zonneterugkeren'

Veel kleine gebruikssporen, aantekeningen op plm. 20% van de pagina's
paperback, ingenaaid, 8vo, 160 blz., ills. Nederlands, Symbolon, 2001, redelijk (nr.: 41021)  Euro   5,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9074899781, ISBN13: 9789074899789
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Bhasin, J.N.: Art of Prediction

pocket, sewed, 299 pps., ills. English, Sagar Publications, New Delhi, 1982, good (nr.: 34439)  Euro   40,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Bhat, M. Ramakrishna: Essentials of horary astrology or Prasnapadavi

paperback, 8vo+, xxv, 446 pps., ind. English, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1992, good (nr.: 29114)  Euro   20,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 8120810120
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Bradley, Donald A.: Stock Market Prediction

stapled wraps, 8vo, 45 pps., ills. English, Llewellyn, St. Paul, 1988, good/very good (nr.: 33855)  Euro   80,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 087542046X
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Brady, Bernadette: The Eagle and the Lark. A Textbook of Predictive Astrology

Ballpoint notes on appr. 15% of the pages and on first free endpaper and title page, otherwise VG
paperback, sewed, 22,5 x 15 cm., xviii, 364 pps., ills. English, Samuel Weiser, York Beach, 1992, fair/good (nr.: 42447)  Euro   35,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0877287368, ISBN13: 9780877287360
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Braha, James: How To Predict Your Future. Secrets of Eastern & Western Astrology

paperback, sewed, 25,5 x 19 cm., 356 pps. English, Hermetician Press, Hollywood, 1995, very good (nr.: 38263)  Euro   25,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0935895078
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Brandler-Pracht, Karl: Astrologische Kollektion zum Selbststudium. Band 2. Die astrologische Prognose. Die Interpretation und Ausdeutung des Horoskopes

age-consistent wear and tanning, namestamp in book
paperback, sewed, 22 xz 14,5 cm., 278 pps. Deutsch, Linser, Berlin-Pankow, 1932, 7h. printing, leichte Gebrauchsspuren (nr.: 39933)  Euro   6,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Carter, C.E.O.: The Astrology of Accidents. Investigations and Research

Name in book
paperback, sewed, 18,5 x 12 cm., 123 pps. English, Theosophical Publishing House, London, 1977, good (nr.: 39746)  Euro   9,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Chandu, Jack F.: De astrologische prognose

Uitgegeven in een gelimiteerde oplage van 250 genummerde exemplaren waarvan dit nummer 61 is. Gesigneerd door de schrijver
hardcover, linnen, 27,5 x 21,5 cm., 52, 44 blz. Nederlands, Stichting Totaliteitsdiagnostiek, Den Haag, 1975, goed/geen stofomslag (nr.: 32492)  Euro   15,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Chandu, Jack F.: Horoscoopcorrectie in de praktijk

Rug en pagina's enigszins verkleurd
paperback, ingenaaid, 8vo, 154 blz., ills. Nederlands, Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 1985, redelijk/goed (nr.: 43129)  Euro   4,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9020216627
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Charak, K.S.: Predictive Techniques in Varshaphala

Pencilmarkings on appr. 20% of the pages
paperback, sewed, 8vo, 174 pps., ind., ills. English, UMA, Delhi, 2003, 2nd. ed., fair (nr.: 34759)  Euro   17,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 8186824030
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Christensen, Irene: The precise astrological prediction - a presentation of Kündig's method

Mild wear at extremities
hardcover, cloth, 8vo, 100 pps. English, Irene Christensen's Pub. House, Kopenhagen, 1974, good/no dj (nr.: 38655)  Euro   12,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 8787502283
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Coleman, M.E.: Astro-focus your future.

How to Forecast your Future Life Trends
Wrinkled spine
paperback, 8vo, 382 pps., ind. English, Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, 1987, 1st. ed., fair/good (nr.: 37817)  Euro   4,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0850305225, ISBN13: 9780850305227
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DeLuce, Robert: Horary Astrology

Wrinkling on spine, some discoloration
paperback, sewed, 8vo, 171 pps., ills. English, ASI, New York, 1978, 6th. printing, fair/good (nr.: 42198)  Euro   15,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0882310356
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Doane, Doris Chase: Modern Horary Astrology

Somewhat bended copy, otherwise VG
paperback, 8vo, xvi, 254 pps., ills. English, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, 1994, fair/good (nr.: 35368)  Euro   17,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 8669043955, ISBN13: 9788669043958
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Dumón, Eloy R.: Astrologia predictiva

Front page a bit bumped
paperback, sewed, 23 x 16 cm., 479 pps. Spanish, Kier, Buenos Aires, 1997, 2nd. ed., fair/good (nr.: 31603)  Euro   40,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9501705323, ISBN13: 9789501705324
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Ebertin, Reinhold: Die Jahres-Kurve. Ein Methode zur Ermittlung der Jahrestendenz auf kosmischer Grundlage

Appendix of 46 pages numbered from 1a thru 32b + list of 'Hilfsmittel zur Berechnung der "Jahreskurve"'. Mild foxing of exterior
Taschenbuch, 21,5 x 15 cm., 40, 46 pps. Deutsch, Ebertin Verlag, Aalen, 1957, gut (nr.: 25154)  Euro   65,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Ebertin, Reinhold: Transite. Welcher Tag ist günstig für mich?

Various small traces of wear
paperback, sewed, 17 x 11,5 cm., 100 Seiten, illustriert Deutsch, Ebertin Verlag, Aalen, 1975, Gebrauchsspuren (nr.: 38747)  Euro   4,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Freeman, Martin: Forecasting by astrology. A comprehensive manual of interpretation and technique

Wear at extremities
paperback, 8vo, 159 pps. English, Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, 1983, 3rd. impr., fair/good (nr.: 40673)  Euro   5,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0850302978
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Gilbert, Priscilla M.: Potential fulfilled. vol-1. Accident patterns

Front page folded
paperback, 22x 15,5 cm., 105 pps. English, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, 1976, fair/good (nr.: 28676)  Euro   15,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Gorter, Corn.: Astrologische Chronologie

paperback, 21 x 14,5 cm., 394 blz., ills. Nederlands, Couvreur, Den Haag, zonder jaar, zeer goed (nr.: 43053)  Euro   6,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Green, H.S.: Directions and directing. An introduction to predictive astrology

Traces of past humidity
hardcover, cloth, 15,5 x 12,5 cm., 91 pps. English, Modern Astrology Office, London, 1910, moderate/no dj (nr.: 40584)  Euro   8,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Hamaker-Zondag, Karen M.: Astrologische dagvoorspellingen 1999

paperback, 8vo, 256 blz. Nederlands, Symbolon, Amstelveen, 1998, goed/zeer goed (nr.: 37140)  Euro   6,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 907489917X, ISBN13: 9789074899178
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Hamaker-Zondag, Karen M.: De Solaar. Theorie, achtergrond en duiding van de zonneterugkeer

paperback, ingenaaid, 8vo, 136 blz., ills. Nederlands, BF Uitgeverij, 2011, zeer goed (nr.: 42778)  Euro   13,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9076277826, ISBN13: 9789076277820
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Hamaker-Zondag, Karen M.: De financiële crisis. Achtergronden en vooruitzichten. Een astrologische analyse voor iedereen

paperback, ingenaaid, 8vo, 336 blz., ills. Nederlands, BF Uitgeverij, 2010, goed/zeer goed (nr.: 40996)  Euro   12,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9076277729, ISBN13: 9789076277721
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Hamaker-Zondag, Karen M.: Handboek voor uurhoekastrologie

Muf exemplaar, gelamineerd, voormalig bibliotheekboek
hardcover, linnen, 22,5 x 15 cm., 242 blz. Nederlands, Schors, Amsterdam, 1983, matig/geen stofomslag (nr.: 42210)  Euro   4,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9063781008
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Hamaker-Zondag, Karen M.: Werkboek moderne uurhoekastrologie

Rug iets verkleurd, verder keurig
paperback, ingenaaid, 22 x 15 cm., 280 blz., ills. Nederlands, Aionion Symbolon, Amstelveen, 2002, goed (nr.: 41633)  Euro   15,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 907489979X, ISBN13: 9789074899796
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Hammerslough, B.F.: Forecasting. Backward and Forward. Modern Techniques of Timing and Rectification

paperback, 23 x 15,5 cm., xvii, 288 pps., ind., ills. English, Llewellyn, St. Paul, 1994, good/very good (nr.: 42900)  Euro   8,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0875423965, ISBN13: 9780875423968
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Hand, Robert: Planeten in transit. Leven met de levenscycli

paperback, ingenaaid, 21,5 x 15 cm., 540 blz. Nederlands, Mirananda, Wassenaar, 1984, 2e druk, zeer goed (nr.: 41322)  Euro   30,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9062717179, ISBN13: 9789062717170
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Hand, Robert: Planets in Transit. Life Cycles for Living

Name stamp and name in book, tanned pages, mild wrinkling of spine
paperback, 23,5 x 16 cm., xii, 528 pps., ind. English, Para Research, Gloucester, 1985, 12th. printing, fair/good (nr.: 42216)  Euro   20,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0914918249
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Harwood, P.J.: Astrological Prediction

paperback, 8vo, 213 pps., frontisp. English, Sun, Santa Fe, 1993, fair/good (nr.: 35366)  Euro   18,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0895402424
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Hastings, Nancy Anne: The Practice of Prediction

Ballpointmarkings on appr. 10 pages in the beginning of the book, mild creasing of spine
paperback, 8vo, xiv, 301 pps., ills. English, Samuel Weiser, York Beach, 1989, fair/good (nr.: 38262)  Euro   22,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0877286841, ISBN13: 9780877286844
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Jensen, L.J.: Astro-cycles & speculative markets

hardcover, cloth, 23,5 x 16 cm., 142 pps., ills. English, Lambert-Gann, Pomeroy, 1978, good/dj damaged (nr.: 38103)  Euro   80,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Jones, Marc Edmund: Horary Astrology. Practical Techniques for Problem Solving. With a primer of symbolism

Also published as Problem solving by Horary Astrology
paperback, 8vo, 464 pps., ind. English, Aurora Press, Santa Fe, 1993, very good (nr.: 39299)  Euro   40,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0943358396, ISBN13: 9780943358390
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Julevno: Clef des Directions ou résultat de recherches nouvelles faites sur le système pratiqué pas les anciens astrologues pour déterminer les époques des événements de la vie humaine

Rebound, pencilmarkings on appr. 5 pages, age-consistent foxing
hardcover, halfcloth, 24 x 16,5 cm., 128 pps. French, Bibliothèque Chacornac, Paris, 1927, fair/no dj (nr.: 40423)  Euro   25,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Knegt, Leo: Uurhoek- en vragenastrologie. Een praktisch systeem voor de oplossing van levensvraagstukken

Potloodmarkeringen op plm. 50% van de pagina's, naamstempeltje en naamsticker in boek
hardcover, linnen, 24 x 16,5 cm., xvi, 187 blz., ills. Nederlands, H.W.J. Becht, Amsterdam, z.j., redelijk/geen stofomslag (nr.: 42514)  Euro   4,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Koch, Walter A.: Prophetie und astrologische Prognose

Erweiterter Sonderdruck eines Referates gehalten am 18. Juli 1954 im Saal 'La Mauresse'
2 or 3 ballpointmarkings
Geheftet, 8vo, 56 Seiten Deutsch, Elisabeth Schaeck, Neunkirchen-Saar, 1972, gut (nr.: 37437)  Euro   4,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Koparkar, Mohan: Precise Progressed Charts

paperback, 22 x 14,5 cm., 105 pps., ills. English, Mohan Enterprises, Rochester, 1976, good/very good (nr.: 39292)  Euro   15,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Krishnamurti, K.S.: Horary astrology: Krishnamurti padhdhati. Advanced stellar system. Sixth Reader

paperback, sewed, 8vo, xvi, 323 pps., ills. English, Mahabala, Saidapet-Madras, 1978, 3rd. ed., fair/good (nr.: 35364)  Euro   50,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Laun, Lianella Livaldi: Lilith im Transit. Der Schwarze Mond im Alltag

Leichte Faltenbildung am Rücken
Taschenbuch, 8vo, 152 Seiten Deutsch, Chiron, Tübingen, 2000, gut (nr.: 39943)  Euro   13,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 3925100512, ISBN13: 9783925100512
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Laun, Lianella Livaldi: Transite und Träume. Astrologie in der Praxis

Taschenbuch, 8vo, 85 Seiten Deutsch, Chiron, Mössingen, 1999, sehr gut (nr.: 33530)  Euro   8,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 3925100407
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Leo, Alan: The Progressed Horoscope

Name in book
paperback, 23,5 x 14,5 cm., xvi, 353 pps., ind. English, Astrologer's Library, New York, 1983, good (nr.: 39855)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0892811803
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Leo, Alan: The Progressed Horoscope

Used copy, wrinkling of spine
paperback, 23 x 15 cm., xvi, 353 pps., ind. English, Destiny Books, Rochester, 1989, fair (nr.: 41188)  Euro   8,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0892811803
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Louis, Anthony: The Art of Forecasting using Solar Returns

paperback, 23,5 x 15,5 cm., 314 pps., ind., ills. English, The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth, 2008, very good (nr.: 40241)  Euro   20,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 1902405293, ISBN13: 9781902405292
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Lundsted, Betty: Planetary cycles. That get you from beginning to end without a guide

paperback, 8vo, xii, 171 pps. English, Samuel Weiser, York Beach, 1993, very good (nr.: 41053)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0877286302, ISBN13: 9780877286301
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Marr, Alexander: Prediction II. Directions and the Art of Recification

paperback, 8vo, x, 126 pps., ills. English, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, 1985, good/very good (nr.: 33738)  Euro   60,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0866902481
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Mason, Sophia: Forecasting with new, full & quarter moons through the houses

paperback, 8vo, 126 pps. English, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, 1994, 3nd. printing, very good (nr.: 43119)  Euro   20,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0866903623
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Mason, Sophia: The Art of Forecasting Using Diurnal Charts

Small stain on front page (1 sqcm)
paperback, 8vo, 98 pps., ills. English, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, 1997, good/very good (nr.: 43118)  Euro   11,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0866903305
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Meyer, Michael R.: The Astrology of Change. Horary Astrology and its Humanistic Applications

Small folding line on backpage, name in book
pocket, xviii, 262 pps. English, Anchor Books, Garden City, 1975, fair/good (nr.: 39719)  Euro   7,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0385040091
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Milburn, Leigh Hope: The Progressed Horoscope Simplified

hardcover, cloth, 23,5 x 15,5 cm., 170 pps. English, n.d., 5th. ed., good/very good/no dj (nr.: 33499)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Mishra, Suresh Chandra: Panchadhyayee. A Compendium of Predictive Astrology

Pencilmarkings on appr. 5 pages
paperback, 8vo, 194 pps. English, Pranav, New Delhi, 2005, good (nr.: 35847)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 819028410X
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Negus, Joan: Transits. Sleutel tot de Toekomst. Een handleiding voor de duiding

Balpenaantekeningen op meeste pagina's, leesrimpels
paperback, 8vo, 203 blz. Nederlands, Schors, Amsterdam, 1989, matig (nr.: 40302)  Euro   5,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9063781741
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Ojha, Pandit Gopesh Kumar: Predictive astrology of the Hindus

ballpointmarkings (very neatly) on appr. 50% of the pages
paperback, sewed, 8vo, xv, 347 pps., ind. English, D.B. Taraporevala Sons, Bombay, 1985, fair/good (nr.: 40253)  Euro   12,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Oppenheimer, Wolfgang: Die Macht der Sterne. Astrologie und Geschichte

Leinenband, 22,5 x 14,5 cm., 269 Seiten, illustriert Deutsch, Universitas, München, 1994, gut/sehr gut/Schutzumschlag sehr gut (nr.: 40555)  Euro   7,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 3800413094, ISBN13: 9783800413096
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Ott, Ernst: Levensloopanalyse. Leerboek voor secundaire progressie

paperback, 8vo, 128 blz., ills. Nederlands, Hajefa, Zoetermeer, 2005, 1e druk, zeer goed (nr.: 43157)  Euro   13,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9077677070, ISBN13: 9789077677070
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Pablos, Jose Luis S.M. de: Urano-Neptuno, un reloj astrohistorico

paperback, sewed, 8vo, 109 pps., ills. Spanish, Barath, Madrid, 1988, good/very good (nr.: 31084)  Euro   8,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 8485799305
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Padrosa, Joan Marimon: Historia del arte a través de la astrología. La astrologia precessional como método de historiación del arte

paperback, sewed, 8vo, 367 pps. Spanish, Anthropos, Barcelona, 1985, very good (nr.: 32082)  Euro   55,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 8485887948
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Paris, Ernst-Günter: Der Schlüssel zur Prognose

Taschenbuch, 8vo, 271 Seiten Deutsch, Urania, München, 1983, 2nd. ed., sehr gut (nr.: 37389)  Euro   6,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 3921960045
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Penfield, Marc: The Nadi system of rectification

stapled wraps, 27,5 x 21,5 cm., 29 pps. English, 1977, good (nr.: 34573)  Euro   40,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0914350226
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Prónay, Alexander von: Die Prognose nach dem Geburts-Horoskop

Ballpointmarkings on 5 - 10 pages
Leinenband, 22 x 14 cm., 294 pps. Deutsch, Rohm, Bietigheim, 1984, gut/Schutzumschlag mittelmäsig (nr.: 39695)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 3876831652
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Raman, B.V.: Ashtakavarga. System of prediction

paperback, sewed, 18 x 12 cm., 176 pps., glos. English, UBSPD, New Delhi, 2000, 7th. reprint, good (nr.: 36936)  Euro   17,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 8185674256, ISBN13: 9788185674254
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Raman, B.V.: Hindu Predictive Astrology

pocket, sewed, 292 pps., glos. English, UBS, New Delhi, 2007, 24th. reprint, good/very good (nr.: 38278)  Euro   25,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 8185273545, ISBN13: 9788185273549
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Raman, B.V.: Prasna Tantra. Horary Astrology

Front page detached but present
paperback, sewed, 18,5 x 12,5 cm., 264 pps. English, Raman, Bangalore, 1975, 3rd. ed., moderate (nr.: 35849)  Euro   20,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Riegger, Mona: Handbuch der Combin- und Composit-Deutung. Seelische Partnerverbindugen im Horoskop

Mild tanning of pages
Orig. Pappband, 23 x 16 cm., 351 Seiten Deutsch, Ebertin Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1998, 2nd. printing, gut/sehr gut (nr.: 31525)  Euro   30,00
Porto in Nederland: 5,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 3871860875, ISBN13: 9783871860874
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Robertson, Marc: Critical Ages in Adult Life. The Transit of Saturn

paperback, 27,5 x 21,5 cm., 72 pps. English, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, 1976, fair/good (nr.: 34572)  Euro   20,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0866901493
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Robson, Vivian E.: Electional Astrology

Minimal reading line on spine, pencilmarkings on 5-10 pages
paperback, 8vo, 227 pp., ind. English, Astrology Classics, Abingdon, 1972, fair/good (nr.: 37814)  Euro   25,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 1538101017, ISBN13: 9781538101018
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Sakoian, Frances/Louis Acker: Transits simplified

hardcover, cloth, 23,5 x 15,5 cm., 227 pps. English, ACA, Weston, 1976, fair/good/no dj (nr.: 42196)  Euro   20,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Schierstedt, Claudia von: Astrologische Terminwahl. Durch Elektionen im Einklang mit der Zeitqualität

Taschenbuch, 8vo, 114 Stn., illustriert. Deutsch, Chiron, Mössingen, 1997, sehr gut (nr.: 34750)  Euro   7,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 392510030X
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Schubert-Weller, Christoph: Die Korrektur der Geburtszeit in sieben Schritten

Ballpoint markings on appr. 5 pages
Orig. Pappband, 8vo, 153 pps. Deutsch, Chiron, Tübingen, 2005, leichte Gebrauchsspuren (nr.: 35906)  Euro   14,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 3899971310, ISBN13: 9783899971316
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Schwickert, Friedrich 'Sindbad' / Weiss, Adolf: Die astrologischen Direktionen. I. Teil. Die Sekundär-Direktionen

Namestamp, signature previous owner, a few dogs ears, minor damage to bottom of spine
Leinenband, 8vo, 272 pps., ills. Deutsch, Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag, München-Planegg, 1927, Gebrauchsspuren/kein Schutzumschlag (nr.: 37438)  Euro   30,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Schwickert, Friedrich 'Sindbad' / Weiss, Adolf: Die astrologischen Direktionen. II. Teil. Die Primär-Direktionen

Namestamp, ex libris and signature previous owner, spine repaired with transparent tape (which looks better than one might expect)
Leinenband, 8vo, 220 Seiten, mit Illustrationen Deutsch, Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag, München-Planegg, 1927, Gebrauchsspuren/kein Schutzumschlag (nr.: 37439)  Euro   20,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Sepharial: Directional Astrology. To which is added a discussion of problematic points and a complete set of tables necessary for the calculation of arcs of direction

spiral bind, 8vo, viii, 119 pps, + appr. 32 pps. tables English, Ballantrae Reprint, Ontario, n.d., good (nr.: 28672)  Euro   18,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Sepharial: Primary Directions. A definitive study

Originally entitled 'Directional Astrology'
Contains about 70 pages with tables
paperback, 23 x 15 cm., 168 pps. English, Astrology Classics, Bel Air, 2006, very good (nr.: 40178)  Euro   15,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 1933303174, ISBN13: 9781933303178
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Sepharial: Primary directions made easy

Black stains on front page, foxing
hardcover, cloth, 19 x 13 cm., 80 pps. English, Foulsham, London, n.d., fair/no dj (nr.: 43229)  Euro   17,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Sepharial: Transits and Planetary Periods. A Book of Practical Hints to Students of Astrology

hardcover, cloth, 8vo, 94 pps. English, Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, 1973, good/no dj (nr.: 34842)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0850300487
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Shaw, Christine: Predictive Astrology. A Practical Guide

Underlinings on appr. 40% of the pages
paperback, 23 x 15 cm., xiv, 224 pps., ind., ills. English, Llewellyn, St. Paul, 2001, fair (nr.: 40240)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0738700452, ISBN13: 9780738700458
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Simmonite, Dr. W.J.: Horary Astrology. The Key to Scientific Prediction, being the Prognostic Astronomer. With additions by John Story

paperback, 22 x 15 cm., 167 pps., ind., glos. English, Kessinger, n.d., very good (nr.: 42200)  Euro   27,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 076618420X, ISBN13: 9780766184206
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Teal, Celeste: Identifying planetary triggers. Astrological techniques for prediction

paperback, sewed, 23 x 19 cm., xvi, 364 pps., ind. English, Llewellyn, St. Paul, 2000, very good (nr.: 39355)  Euro   100,00
Porto in Nederland: 0,00 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 1567187056, ISBN13: 9781567187052
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Teal, Celeste: Predicting Events With Astrology

Ballpointmarkings on appr. 30% of the pages, otherwise good
paperback, 23 x 19 cm., viii, 273 pps., ind., glos., ills. English, Llewellyn, St. Paul, 1999, 1 st. ed., 1st. printing, fair (nr.: 39965)  Euro   8,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 1567187048, ISBN13: 9781567187045
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Townley, John: Astrologische Cycli. De hoogte- en diepte-punten in het leven

Enkele stempels
paperback, ingenaaid, 22 x 15 cm., 71 blz., ills. Nederlands, Schors, Amsterdam, 1984, goed (nr.: 43052)  Euro   5,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9063781202
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Townley, John: Astrologische Cycli. De hoogte- en dieptepunten in het leven

paperback, ingenaaid, 22 x 15 cm., 71 blz., ills. Nederlands, Schors, Amsterdam, 1984, goed/zeer goed (nr.: 42914)  Euro   6,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 9063781202
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Uhle, Prof.Dr.: Die Lehre von den Transiten. In übersichtlicher und leicht verständlicher Form dargestellt und erläutert

A few red underlinings
paperback, sewed, 21 x 15. cm., 60 pps. Deutsch, Baumgartner Verlag, Warpke-Billerbeck, n.d., leichte Gebrauchsspuren (nr.: 38237)  Euro   5,50
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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Ungar, Anne/ Huber, Lillian: The Horary Reference Book

paperback, 23 x 15 cm., 197 pps. English, ACS Publications, San Diego, 1984, good (nr.: 41313)  Euro   10,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0917086600
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Vasudev, Gayatri Devi: Practical horary astrology

pocket, xii, 147 pps., ills. English, UBS, New Delhi, 1995, 3rd. reprint, good/very good (nr.: 42641)  Euro   25,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 8185674280, ISBN13: 9788185674285
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Watters, Barbara H.: Horary Astrology and the Judgement of Events

Laminated, intense pencilunderlinings on appr. 10 pages in the beginning of the book
paperback, 8vo, 220 pps., ind., ills. English, Valhalla, Washington, 1973, 1st. ed., fair (nr.: 37706)  Euro   25,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
ISBN: 0912356065
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Winter, Johanna J.A.: Oefenboek voor uurhoekastrologie

2 paperbacks, ingenaaid, 8vo+, 186, 93 blz. Nederlands, Privé-uitgave, 1989, redelijk/goed (nr.: 36878)  Euro   15,00
Porto in Nederland: 3,95 Euro / Belgium: 9,00 Euro / Other countries: please enquire
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